Engine stutter at 3800 rpm in 5th

Hi all. Have UK 2015 Max and have Decat, airbox mod and DAM exhaust.
had the above issue, even when working with Jeff Ingram, to try different mappings etc - Stock, unrestricted etc.
Eventually took bike to Yamaha Main Dealer, and the tuner (who works on the Moto GP bikes) set it up on Dyno. He flashed it with unrestricted UK flash version, and then sorted out fuel maps etc. BUT, at about 3800 rpm..... after maybe 30 mins cruising, the engine stutters, I can clear by moving throttle, and it picks up again. But its pretty disconcerting when it happens, and is unpredictable.
Ive tried flashing with stock flash, changing the various settings and copying across the dynoed fuel maps, but it still seems to happen
Does anyone else have any experience of this........
Im almost at stage of looking for an alternative
Hi Graham,
Under ECU Settings in your file The ETV- Bypass needs to be set to true or it will cause the motor to shut off. It is common on the VMAX from Yamaha trying to tamper proof their bikes.
Set the setting in your map and you should be good to go.
I have checked the Flash file from the Yamaha Dealer Flash image, and it was set to True. So that is not the cause
Hi Graham,
Thank you for verifying, I will report this to development and see what they think.
HI Octavio..... what did development say?
I have today copied all of the figures in all of the tables from my dynoed Flash, and pasted them into the 09-18 VMAX - 2S3-8591A-90(EU) StockECU Flash.
Over next few days, I will head out and see if the fault is still there.
Let us know how it goes.