How to Turn Off Check Engine Light?

I have a 2016 Yamaha XSR900 with a bike side flashing kit and the check engine light has been on, but the bike runs fine.
I've tried plugging in an OBD2 reader via an adapter cable to the 4-pin Yamaha diagnostic plug. The OBD2 reader powers up but is unable to determine how to communicate with the ECU and keeps trying different protocols. I tried this both with an Innova 5210 scanner and an OBDLink MX+ Bluetooth adapter. Both power on, but are unable to communicate with the ECU and keep trying cycling through different protocols.
At first I thought maybe I had a faulty cable, but I tried the scanner and Yamaha 4-pin to OBD2 adapter cable in my other completely stock 2016 Yamaha XSR900 and neither scanner has a problem communicating with ECU.
Should the original 4-pin Yamaha diagnostic plug be working? Do I need to connect to the 6-pin (only 4 connected) FTECU plug somehow instead?
Please help and advise on how to fix!
Your scanner tool should still work, you can try reflashing your ECU then connecting again. But it isn't necessary because you can do diagnostics through the bike side harness. Use the Diagnostics feature in the software to connect to the bike and see what could be throwing a code.
Jason A.