Need help with what to modify on the tune (see post)

Hi guys, I've got a new to me 2016 fz09 that has a full ft active tune and quickshifter on it. Now I love this tune setup and a handful of tasteful mods from the previous owner, except for one thing that I'm curious if I can "tune out" or atleast tone it down. So I'll try to explain this as best I can. The bike doesn't have a high idle, but more so it acts like a creeper gear almost lol. If I get rolling and have the clutch 100% released and the throttle at zero, like zero rider input. Literally "just coasting". My bikes rpm's will rise to like 2200 2300rpm and it wants to cruise along at like 15 mph with zero throttle input. (Bikes idle is perfect at like 1400 or so, soon as I fully let the clutch out and no throttle, it rises to 2200 rpm and rolls at the 15mph)
Now I'm new enough to this I'd rather ask before I screw something up. Going into the tuning suite what can I change and adjust to reel this small issue in a little bit?
First, did the previous owner also give you his flashing cable, or xfer the ECU license to your acct if you're using your own? Without that, I believe you won't be able to read out the ECU. Or, if he gave you the file he used to flash and didn't restrict the file, you can open up the file and then make the corrections and then flash it with your own cable.
Figure out which drive mode it's happening in and then go to the maps for that mode under ETV Base Maps. Check the very first column, they should be 0's. If not 0, it means that the throttle butterflies are not closed when the throttle is closed.
Yes I do have his login and data link cable and I'm able to hook it up, now just pulling up the ETV maps here so in STD mode the entire first column is zeroed out except for 790 and 800rpm are at .57 across all gears
In A mode the entire first column it's at 1.01 all the way down across all gears.
And B mode the entire first column is zeroed out except for 790 and 800rpm are at .57 across all gears
So just to verify across all modes I should set my entire first column to be zeroed out?
Well I zeroed out all columns and it dropped it down to about 10mph, it feels alot more controllable now, idk what these roll out at stock with no throttle input but 15mph seemed a bit excessive.
So it still goes by itself at 10mph with the throttle closed? Check the ETV Decel Maps, A Mode Gear 1. The columns are RPMs and values above 100 basically keep the butterflies open slightly.
I will check them once I get home and see where theyre at , I'm slowly figuring out what everything does so I appreciate the help. i think the previous owner copy and pasted some things and it took it to far over, atleast that's my guess.
Ok, looks like the decel maps are at 100 across all 3 modes out to 4500rpm, then it comes up
If you open up the ETV Decel Maps, but don't change anything and then try to close the file or the Tuning suite, does a box come up asking if you want to save the changes?
In the older versions of the Tuning Suite there were no safety limits to what values you could put in the maps, but later on FTECU put limits on them. The previous owner could have used some values for ETV Decel Maps way back then that could cause the bike to cruise by itself, but now when you open up the map, the software automatically applies the safe value limit when it displays the map, so you can't see what the unsafe value was. The only way to know is if you try to close the file and it says that the file has changed, even though you didn't change anything, because it was the software that changed the value to respect the safety limit.
So for example, the current software won't let you enter anything higher than 100 for the first 4 columns in the Decel maps. But it could be done a few years ago and it was possible back then to flash the bike that way, but if you open the Decel maps now, it will automatically restrict the values to 100.
Anyway if that's what's happening, then save the file and flash it if you don't like the auto cruise feature lol
Also another possibility is that the throttle isn't physically closing all the way. If you can't change modes, then something's keeping the throttle from closing fully, or the sensor needs to be adjusted.