How to find / create proper tunes?

in XSR 700
Hey all! Wondering where or how I can really dial in my bike. 2019 XSR700 with a two brothers exhaust and the air intake snorkel removed. Stock filter and only have the FTECU kit on there. I was originally using the base unrestricted map by itself but wanted a bit more of a specific tune.
Was wondering if anyone knows how or where to get a bit more proper tuning done on the thing. I hate to say it but I kinda wish I just got the 2WDW flash, It seemed a lot simpler than this..No hate at all guys, just me.
The Tuning kit is definitely more for the person that would make multiple changes to the bike and adjust things on their own opposed to getting a flash done by someone else. Both methods are great options it is just dependent on what you want.
Have you looked into adding any PC Fuel maps on top of your Unrestricted file to see how that change feels?
You can still purchase a file from 2WDW and have them email it to you if you wish.
Jason A.
Hi Jason!
I have been recently messing around with some power commander maps and adjusting fuel on my own but it clearly is just a little inaccurate. It runs fine, actually a bit better than just the unrestricted / pc5 map on its own out of the box but I can't seem to get the on/off throttle feel good, or really tell whether it's rich/lean and where.
Is there a tool built into the software somewhere where I can view any data? I'd like to see what the ecu is doing and what changes the O2 sensor is making.
I've added like 5-8% fuel in like all ranges from 0-50% throttle and 2500-7000rpm and it helps with the snatchy throttle as well as some dips in power I think, but I'm just not sure and I don't want to hurt the bike
The stock O2 sensor is a narrowband sensor so it is absolutely useless for any type of tuning if that is what you are referring to. We have our ActiveTune kit for this bike and that will read accurate AFR's and adjust to the AFR ratio that is set. That kit or on a dyno will be the only way for you to read your AFR for proper tuning. I would suggest taking the bike to a local dyno if there is one, getting the 2WDW file, or getting an ActiveTune kit.
Jason A.