
in Bug Reports
I’ve read all your posts… Done everything that you suggested… But I can’t open up the tuning suite … I try to download it and it just says loading… I’ve uninstalled it, reinstalled it, rebooted my computer, done it all… but nothing that I’ve done works… I cannot load the tuning suite… I cannot use the tuning sweet… Please help
Please disable all anti-virus software in the computer, uninstall the existing Tuning Suite, then re-download and try again. If the stalling persists, uninstall and try downloading from a different location (IP address).
Ive tried everything you guys recommended even disabling the antivirus and it still isnt working for me either
mine is doing exact same thing. was working ine until a few days ago started it up, (maybe it downloaded a new version ??). stuck on loading screen rebooted many times, re installed etc. used tow ork fine..no anti virus all other network software running
When you're trying to load the software do you have your USB data link cable plugged in?
Jason A.
cant get to download just says loading forever tried 2 different laptop shutoff antivirus allowed thru firewall just get nothing but green bar scrolling saying loading
just wanted to say thanks for finding the fix - plugging in a USB cable allowed it to start. this had me pulling my hair out for a few days..