graves 3/4 installed, which map should I upload?

in R1
Hi there, as the title indicates, I installed a 3/4 system. Now I see in the third party files there is a graves 3/4 file. My question is do I upload the unrestricted r1 file for my bike as a base AND the graves 3/4 file or do I just upload the graves 3/4 file? I ask cuz there is no fuel map in the 3/4 file that I can see, only options for shutting off exup valves and such?
You just download the Graves 3/4 file and flash that into your ECU.
The reason you don't see fuel maps on the Graves file is because it is locked so that those items are hidden and cannot be modified (or copied).
I see, thanks for your help
No worries!👍️
hi sorry for the constant pestering, i noticed the file i want to flash in the notes it says it works best with "active tune, stock air filter and pump gas" now i know i have smog block off plates so i know to disable the AIS valve, however, i do not have the active tune kit. Is there something i should "disable/enable" anything i should check in the diagnostic code manager?
Thanks again for the help
Do you have a full exhaust? Are you still using the stock O2 sensor?