error: not able to initialize the 2017 ECU GSXR1000

in GSXR 1000
hi, i have no problem reading my ecu, but when i try to write on it, after "checking the ECU" message, I've got the message: "error notable to initialize the ECU" it's a table cable connection. i had no problem before, and same message appear whatever map i'm trying to upload.
Please go through the procedure you are doing to get this error message, because our system doesn't show you actually getting anywhere near the flash process. You would have to be into the process to get that message, and then it would be showing up on our system.
thx a lot, it seems to work fine now.
sorry, it was working ounce, i had an internet connection loss (my phone) and when i try again, it still says "not able to initialize th ECU"
i got an ECU locked message?
OK, we are seeing your license in an "attempted" state, so we have reset it. Your phone is not providing a good enough connection to flash, because the signal dropped during the flash, the license was crashed and put in an "attempted" state.
i select a map write on the ECU, checking the ECU connect the harness or key on the econnect disconnect the harnes .... etc connect the harness or key the ECU checking ECU ECU error ECU error
Please see above message, it was edited right after I sent it.
i got to go on the racetrack for now (so I got to go to the box), i got to neew ACU i never used .... thcx fot the quick answer, i get back to you as soon as i'm ready. Fabian
i try again, still error ECU locked ... can you unlock it please?
My ECU is locked and has a setting..i really need to tweak it, we are in the middle of 24hrs Bowl of Gold ..... if you can help me? Fabian
The license is in a virgin state, it is not locked.
sorry, why does it say that the ECU is Locked? i can read it, but i can not wright it. i got the message after it check the ECU: "Status: Error: ECU Locked" i do not understand ... it has worked fine ounce .... is it the right license? do i have to try another ecu (i got 2 in stock right now ...)?
Hi, i just read your post about flashing old map on the ECU from my last bowl of gold, but not sure about the source file. as i rename it .... fortunatly i got two new Stock ECU. can you help for this please?
Please post a screenshot of the error message. At what point during your flash process attempt does this error message appear? There are no other error messages?
it happens right after the ECU checking when i try to write on it my map (on i use since 2017):
hi, i'm still trying to write on my ecu, but still the same problem, i got the message ECU LOCKED what can i do? can i try with another ECU? (i got 2 brand new in stock) !! please click this quick before gold bowl race !!!
Are you using bench flash kit or bike-side kit?
i use a bench kit.
OK, thanks, I will check into this and get back to you as soon as possible.
Can you try with another ECU to see if there is a problem? If you can flash the other ECU without issue, you can send us the ECU that is apparently locked so we can go in there and correct it.
I do not have the other computer license with me, I have two others here but without license, is it possible to transfer the license? they are 17k02 (new models)
You have two virgin licenses ready to use already on your account.
as a matter of fact i got two other license number that i never used .... what are those license? 5A8B9241 & E179F5DF
Yes, those two.
ok, can i use one of them on my new ECU?
I wrote on my new ECU using new license without any problem
Yes, you can use one of them.
I'm not sure what exactly you're referring to? Which file is this exactly please?
then i try again the other ECU defective, i got the same locked message.
i use one of my File, flash the new ECU using new license and it works fine.