Autoblipper is way to agressive. No responce from FTECU for over 2 months now!!

in H2
Purchased the H2 autoblipper somewhere back in 2020. Found the blips on downshifts way to agressive. The bike would jump forward very hard and it was downright dangerous to use the autoblipper. NO FUN!!
Contacted Flashtune about this and Jason was helping me out with this issue. After some modifications to the image file the blips got smoother but it was still not perfect. Chris Gardell took over from Jason but for some reason stopt replying 2 months ago. I have send multiple messages in the past 2 months but not a single reaction from FTECU.
What's up??? Can we please continu resolving this issue? We are almost there so please don't let me down now.
As we spoke I have you files now and will be working on resolving the issues for you.