
in V-MAX
Have been playing for some years now with the FTECU.
It's amazing what is possible with it, but I have the feeling we are some things missing....
I rode a bike with a quickshifter in the past, and I always liked it..
Originally, I had the 2S3-8591A-80 ECU. Since that unrestricted file was not available, I flashed it with the 90, and it works fine....
I saw that only the 00 file has the quickshifter option, but no matter how much times I try it, The bike won't start with it...
Is there a possibility to make this file work (some security settings or so...)?
grtz, D
Don't drive faster than your guardian angel can fly!
I believe your bike will not start due to the difference in the harnesses between US and EU. The injector harness was the only difference besides immobilizer I believe. I can send in the request to add the QS option to the -90 (EU) file. They may or may not take it on and it may take sometime as well.
That would be very nice!
If that would be possible.
Grtz, D
Don't drive faster than your guardian angel can fly!
I will try to send in the request. No guarantees!