
in EX 400
Did the flash and used the unrestricted file. Also installed a K&H filter while I had the tank off.
Now I’m getting deceleration popping that I wasn’t getting before.
M4 slip on only and no other mods other than the new filter.
Normal or should I have used the stock file since I don’t have a full exhaust?
Deceleration popping happens even with stock ECU but it is hard to hear because of OEM muffler/slip on. Now you can hear it more because of both ECU flash and slip on thats is less restricted.
You can reduce the decel popping significantly by installing block off plates and disabling AIS, but keep in mind that, this will lead to cathylic convertor damage overtime.
Hope this helps.
It’s doesn’t really bother me, just making sure it doesn’t mean my bike isn’t running optimally.
Actually, wait… I had the same slip on before the flash and didn’t get this popping. A little, but not like this.
I am glad the info helped.
After the ECU flash, there is no restriction on AFR and on ETV, therefore there might be more UHCs. So when AIS inject more air there will be more explosion ( popping)!.
It won't hurt the engine, but it will damage the CAT .
In regards to "running optimally" , you could achieve that by autotune device ( not sure if FTECU offer that for your bike) , if they don't, then you can go with DynoJet autotune or have a it dyno tuned at performance shop ( however even that would nor be 100% optimal, because of air temp and humidity level at the time of dyno tuning)
Thanks again. You obviously know what you’re talking about, so one more question. FTECU has a function that imports PC5 fuel maps. I loaded the map that is pretty close to my configuration.
Now, when I turn the throttle to above 75% I can feel a fuel decrease. It’s all good until I get near full throttle. It’s enough of a decrease to stop the bike from accelerating.
Any ideas on that?
Thanks. I'm still learning....
Well, I don't think your bike has ETV so it will actually opens100% when you give it full throttle, even let's say it does have ETV, since you flashed the ECU it will open all the way, so that can't be the issue
It would be very difficult to say without seeing the fuel trim that you imported from PCV, but I think the problem is with the fuel map that you imported which substrate more fuel that it's necessary at higher RPM. Have you tried just the unrestricted file to see if the same situation happens? The PCV fuel import can creates issues, I faced few problems that I had to manually adjust the fuel trim and finally added Autotune or active tune with target AFR.
Since you recently flashed the ECU, I don't think the problem is with the CAT, unless it's been a while since you flashed the ECU.
Hope this helps!
I just flashed in a couple days ago. It must be the fuel map I put in today, as the throttle wasn’t doing that before.
I should probably just revert back and ride the bike instead of tinkering, but I love tinkering!
Same here....I like tinkering as well...
I think the problem will go away once you flash it with unrestricted files without importing fuel map from PCV.
Good luck, ride safe and enjoy riding👍