Flash init

in R1
DE34B2D5 02/10/2022 2015 R1
Can I please have my licence reset. Unable to flash ecu and bike is running poorly!
DE34B2D5 02/10/2022 2015 R1
Can I please have my licence reset. Unable to flash ecu and bike is running poorly!
Hi William
Sorry for large delay. What file were you trying to write and are you Bench flashing or Bike Side?
When I try to read for auto tune or do anything I get No available licnese, pop up.
I have auto tune auto blip. Haven't been able to communicate with ecu for month and bike runs like shit?????????????????
AAAB1D5D2015 R1flash init02/10/2022 07:48:24 PM
It is just unrestricted file with auto tune changes......
Bike side
Sounds like you may have a connection issue with your bike side harness. Can you please perform the Bike Side harness hardware test found on the front page of the forum and let me know your results.
Test with stop start switch off or on? switch off key on no fuel pump with switch on fuel pump.
I have triple checked all my wires. The issue is your software says I don't have a valid license which is defiantly not the case.....
Product SNProduct DescriptionDE34B2D5R1-2CR_RT1aC2A970722015 R1 Auto-Blipper KitEA57B8F0Yamaha ActiveTune Kit
The test has to be performed with switch on. If the pump primes on either of the jump tests, there is a bad connection on one of the wires. You should be good to flash again. Keep in mind you will have to perform another full write.