Upload/Share ECU files

in Software
How do i Share my own ECU files?
I can only save it on my computer. And if i click on Save to my Account it tells me "Success" but i cant find it in the File Manager.
Can someone help me?
Once you save a file to your account it saves it to your private files under the "my account" tab on your file manager.
Don't know how to get to the file manager? Click the open tab then select file manager.
Once you find the file under your private files you need to right click on it then select move to public files.
Jason A.
Well this is the problem.. it does not show any files on my account even after 5 tries of saving :/
What should i do? Uninstall and reistall the software?
Matthias B.
I'm able to save files to my account just fine and move them as public files. Perhaps you are doing something wrong in the process here. Can you please email me a video if you trying to do this?
Jason A.
I am having the same issue. What was the solution to this?