2017 FJ-09 quick shifter wiring....

in FZ / MT 09
I purchased your quick shifter kit , and have no clue where to plug the wires into. Under documents, all I could find was the pdf for the auto tuner (Which I also purchased. :) ) but nothing for the quick shifter.
Please send me a picture of what you have from us so I could point you in the right direction.
Jason A.
A Flash Tune push/pull quick shifter for an 2017 FJ-09. Not sure where to plug those wires into?
Yay, got it figured out; I think? 😉
So the black plug, (In the pic.) plugs into the FTECU bike side harness, and the QS red & green wire plug into the white plug for standard shift pattern, or black & green for GP shift. (I got the FTECU auto tuner also, and thought the bike side harness was just for that.) It's all pretty slick when put together. 👍️
Glad you got it sorted out!
Jason A.