2014 - MT07 Quickshifter Not Working

I just installed and programmed my quickshifter. I already had the flashtune kit installed way before that and it worked without any problems. I had a map on it from dynojet. After programming my ECU for my quickshifter (It all went smoothly, no errors or anyting) I went for a testride and it didn't work. Tried again a couple times but no succes.
Already checked the switch with a multimeter. (Continuity test: Not operated -> No beeping and Operated -> Beeping)
- FTECU Quickshift Kit - Type 7
- FT Data-Link ECU Flashing Kit - Type 9
- ECU: 1XB - 8591A - 00
Help would be much appreciated !
Which connector from the shift sensor do you have plugged into the shift harness? The one with red and green or black and green wires?
Jason A.
Hi Jason
Red/Green for push configuration
Also, is it normal that in my quickshifter map, I dont have the option to change the kill times per rpm and i dont have a 6th gear on there?
Best Regards
Are you guys working on it or could I get some more tips on what i could check?
Ok that is the right connector for your shift linkage setup then.
You are using the Type 7 shift harness that connects to the other end of your bike side harness right?
The QS timing map and the Gears you see is accurate for the QS V1.1 Gear 1 is timing for shifting out of gear 1 into gear 2. Gear 2 is timing for shifting out of gear 2 into gear 3. Etc..... There is no gear beyond 6th of course so you don't have anything to shift out of 6th.
I'd like for you to try a few different files for me and see if that changes what is happening with our QS not working. Files 1XB-50, 1XB-70, and 2RC-10 all use QS v1.0. I'm curious to see if that QS version solves your issue. Please try either of those files and report the results back to me.
Jason A.
Greetings, before this i had the same issues, so i tried what you suggested. so my ecu was 1ws 8591A 00, which the qs was qsv1.1, my qs didnt work, so i tried flashing 1ws 50 which the qsv is 1.0, and my qs works like a charm, so i guess theres an issue with the 1.1 version, hope that help thanks!
Greetings, before this i had the same issues, so i tried what you suggested. so my ecu was 1ws 8591A 00, which the qs was qsv1.1, my qs didnt work, so i tried flashing 1ws 50 which the qsv is 1.0, and my qs works like a charm, so i guess theres an issue with the 1.1 version, hope that help thanks!
im having the same issue with mine i have followed all the steps above apart from a new file as when i try it asks for a licence for a new ecu any advise?
Your license is in a confirmed status, so you should be able to flash no problem. The only reason it would give you the message for a new license is if you aren't following the software prompts correctly, are flashing the wrong file, or have a hardware connection issue.
Jason A.
hi jason
thanks for a quick response i did manage to upload the file and the quickshifter worked for about 20mins i have tested it with a multimeter i am getting reading when the pushed but not sure if its right can you advise anything i can do?
The sensor has two plugs: Red/Green wire plug is PUSH and Black/Green wire plug is PULL. So your bike would only have one of those plugged in. Are you using PUSH or PULL for quickshift? Are you testing for continuity with your multi-meter?
Jason A.