Fuel table units of measurement.

in CBR 1000
I am wondering what the numbers on the CBR1000RR fuel tables represent (milliseconds, milligrams, etc.). I would also like to know if I am interpreting the tables correctly. My theory is that the ECU references the higher number of the two tables and then decides how to divide that between the primary and secondary injectors. It would make sense if it worked that way as most of the far left and far right cells are the same numbers. I am running E85 with a PCV with autotune, but it only adjusts fuel according to TPS. Would it cause problems to zero out the MAP vs. RPM tables (or at least make sure they are lower) and open loop tune the TPS vs. RPM.
The numbers in general for any file don't represent a specific value, it is just the raw data from the ECU but scaled down to numbers easier for one to understand. It's fairly simple a higher number is more fuel, a lower number is less fuel.
The TPS vs RPM tables are used most of the time, the MAP vs RPM is only used for small throttle/ low RPM scenarios. I would not suggest zeroing out the MAP table ever. I would just leave it alone and let your AutoTuner piggyback work the TPS vs RPM fueling.
Jason A.