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R1 07-08 ( EU) Stock and Unrestricted maps.



  • Posts: 32Verified User

    Hi Jason,

    Thanks for the reply. How do I go about resyncing the TPS. Any idea why no error codes come with the stock map when ais and O2 disconnected.

  • Posts: 32Verified User

    My valve clearances were done and throttle bodies were synced last month.

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    Have you tried copying and pasting Unrestricted Mapping into the Stock file to see if your problem persists? You could have a corrupted file perhaps.

    I'm not sure how to resync that but the service manual should point you in the right direction.


    Jason A.

  • Posts: 32Verified User

    I can try that. Would the software not notify me if it had corrupted files.

  • Posts: 32Verified User

    Only trouble is the stock map doesn't have inj decel cut and speedometer function as I have -1 on front sprocket.

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    There would be no notification of a corrupted file due to the complexity of it all.


    Jason A.

  • Posts: 32Verified User

    Thanks Jason,

    I've resynced the APS and TPS. No difference to the jerk from off to on. Its like the inj decel cut is not functioning. I there a way of altering the fueling in the maps to force fuel on closed throttle. Could this be done in the ETV base maps.

    Does the disable exup valve disable the valve motor or just the sensor.

    I will look into drive train and mechanical problems too such as faulty exup valve or clutch and slipper clutch.

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    ETV Base Maps just has to do with the throttle plate being open. Your MAP and TPS fueling would be what I suggest looking into.

    The function should just disable the code from coming up if you were to unplug the motor.


    Jason A.

  • Posts: 32Verified User

    When I was resyning the APS and TPS I noticed there was an initial jump in the diag from closed throttle at 17 to just cracking it open up to 22. You could see the butterflies snap open. After that it was easy to control the numbers in increments of 1 up and down.

  • Posts: 32Verified User

    Just trying to prove the flashing is ok before I spent lots of money on sensors and other bits. So would altering the MAP vs TPS fueling be the same as inj decel cut. Keeping fuel on with closed throttle.

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    The Injector Decel Cut works by keeping the injectors slightly open when the throttle is closed. This helps your On/Off throttle response because when you get back on the throttle then the injector doesn't have to open fully since it's already partially open. This is not a fix all for other issues you could be having though.

    We don't have separate Injector control tables for you to do this manually. You'll want to play around with your fueling and Throttle By Wire maps. I see no reason why you can't come up with something that works well unless there really is something wrong with your bike. Maybe try taking the bike to a local tuner and they can help you out.


    Jason A.

  • Posts: 32Verified User

    Thanks Jason,

    I'll keep persevering

  • Posts: 32Verified User

    When you say throttle by wire maps do you just mean the map vs rpm or the etv maps. Would decel comp map help.

  • Posts: 32Verified User

    Would the inj decel cut show up on a dyno.

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    When I say Throttle By Wire maps I mean your ETV Basemaps.

    The Injector decel cut would not show up on any normal dyno.


    Jason A.

  • Posts: 32Verified User

    Thank you Jason,

    Would you be able to give an example of what to change in ETV BaseMaps

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    The ETV Basemaps are pretty self explanatory if you take a look into them. Just work on making the values have smooth transitions and not having large abrupt changes.


    Jason A.

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