diagnostic code 50 - faulty ecu memory

Previously I've had quite a few struggles getting a flash onto my ECU. I believe I've flashed the ECU three times successfully. The first flash took a very long time, subsequent flashes were very fast, that seems normal based on the forum and "fast write" feature. I'm currently running the unrestricted file and my ECU part number is the -21 variant and using the bike-side harness.
Yesterday I had trouble with "Sd__15" and many codes, presumably due to the flashing, I am not sure. I cleared those using the self diagnostic menu on the dash and then the bike started and ran okay. I rode last night but today the bike won't start. The dash says "Sd__50" and self diagnostics showed code 50. The service manual says this is "faulty ecu memory". I cleared the code, bike refused to start again and the code came back.
I'm wondering if you have any suggestions? Is it possible or necessary to force a "full write"?
When I wrote the above post, I was in full panic mode. The bike would not start. My computer experience told me that a memory error shouldn't be caused by something outside of the ECU but I would try anything to fix my bike.
I mentioned riding the bike last night but failed to mention that it was hard to start. I had to hold the starter an extra second or so to get the engine to fire. This felt weird but I attributed it to the A-mode default. It turns out this was a hint that something was wrong but I didn't realize it until today. The engine should start the same in STD, A or B mode, and unrestricted should start the same as stock since I didn't change any mapping or fuel.
I double checked my hardware installation. The voltages checked out and the fuel pump primed and didn't prime like it was supposed to as I was jumpering the various pins on my 6-pin bike-side connector. I checked the dash again, now there are no codes and the bike starts just fine. I didn't even clear it! I can't explain why it was suddenly fine. Maybe I jiggled something under the seat while performing the hardware test? Should a loose wire outside of the ECU be able to trigger this error?
I did a bunch of engine stop/starts and key off/on starts and it seems fine. I rode and got it hot, let it sit and get cold, still starts up fine.
Yes this could very well be from a loose wire in your ECU connector. Most commonly we see people installing bike side harnesses and knocking other OEM pins loose without realizing it. The pin will still be in the connector but it isn't fully seated anymore so no contact with the ECU is made. I would do a double check over all your ECU pins and ground locations on the bike.
Jason A.