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Bypass Immobilizer Posts: 32Verified User

Hello, I was trying to find out how to make the wiring for the pit limiter then the ECU locked by the immobilizer. I don't have the blue key so I tried to bypass it with flashing.

I disconnected the immobilizer connector and tried many US ECU images but non of them is working. Can you advise?

My ECU # is 32920-17K92.

I tried: 17k90, 60, 70, 80, D0 & F0. All couldn't solve the issue.

I'm flashing with bike side harness.



  • Posts: 32Verified User

    What is the feature IGN Switch (Disable/Enable)? Is it related

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    I know some users in a previous thread have gotten this to work correctly, although I'm not sure which part number they used. Please try all the US files to see if you can get one functioning.


    Jason A.

  • Posts: 32Verified User

    All the other US files cannot activate the shifter so I didn't try them.

    I had replaced my OEM harness with a US harness. Then I removed the bike side harness to the new one but now the I got a message "No response" I removed the wires and reinstalled them 3 times with the same result. I cannot flash the ECU now. I don't want to remove the US harness and go back to the OEM harness. Can you help me for making a bench harness for this bike? I have extra plugs but I need to know how to make it.

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    Well your bench harness wiring is always the same as the bike side harness since the ECU only communicates on one pinout. The only difference is on the bench harness you have to manually power the ECU via an external power supply.


    Jason A.

  • Posts: 32Verified User

    There are two red wires. Which one is for powering?

    is it possible to write old model image just to erase the memory then write the new model?

    what is the IGN switch feature?


  • Posts: 32Verified User

    It’s so boring to flash the ECU many times, I don’t think the other maps are going to work.

    I tried third party map, 3 more US files and JP one.

    Please advise for other solution.


  • Posts: 32Verified User

    Should I send you my ECU along with my immobilizer? Thanks

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    Please email me.


    Jason A.

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