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R1 07-08 ( EU) Stock and Unrestricted maps.

The unrestricted map for my ecu ( 4C8 - 8591A - 40 ) does not have the inj decl cut or speedometer options.



  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    Correct that file doesn't have those options. You can try the -21 or -60 generic files with US Harness Config set to FALSE however you will have to remove your immobilizer.


    Jason A.

  • Posts: 32Verified User

    Thank you Jason,

    I've flashed the us generic 60 map now. So using a map that doesn't match my ecu number won't cause an problems.

    I have noticed the jerky off to on throttle response is better but still is there. Is there any way in the maps to smooth this out any more.

  • Posts: 32Verified User

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    You never want to flash your ECU with a file part number not matching unless told otherwise from myself here. Every ECU is different in the way they react to different files in them.

    Make sure the Disable INJ Decel Cut is set to TRUE in the file.


    Jason A.

  • Posts: 32Verified User

    Thank you Jason,

    I have that set to true. is there any way to smooth it out more in the tps vs rpm, map vs rpm or etv base map, etv decel comp.

    Also what should etv use in gear idle set to and what exactly is it.

  • Posts: 32Verified User

    Thanks in advance for all of your responses and advice. Sorry to ask so many questions. just cant find a good tutorial on what all the functions and maps mean and how to use them.

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    Try adding like 15% more fuel in the bottom left section of your MAP vs RPM folders. Link all folders together or manually change each one. I've seen this help on/off throttle abruptness quite a bit.

    That just changes the idle from neutral to in gear. Really not anything that's too big a deal or will change anything with throttle response.


    Jason A.

  • Posts: 32Verified User

    Why do I need to remove my immobiliser. Will the 60 map not just disable the immobiliser.

  • Posts: 32Verified User

    Hi Jason

    Can you explain the adding 15% a bit more. Is it bottom left at the higher rpms or in the to left at the lower rpms. To which columns and rows.

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    We still recommend removing it so no false signals are sent to the ECU and there is not interference.

    Open up your MAP vs RPM and you'll see a map for each cylinder. Link all 4 cylinders together using the "Link Maps" function. Once linked adjustments made in your cylinder 1 map will automatically be applied in the other 3 cylinders.

    Highlight 6000 RPM to redline and 0-19 on the X axis. Lets add a number of 10 not 15%. After you add 10 hit the "Repaint" button then you are done. Try that out and see if it helps. Picture below is for reference of what values to select.

  • Posts: 32Verified User

    That is brilliant Jason, thankyou . How come the extra fuel is added at the high rpm,s when we are dealing with the initial off throttle to just on. I would of thought it would be in the top left.

    Just one other thing. Mine is the 4c8 and I have gone -1 on the front sprocket from 17 to 16. I tried the sprocket function adjustment in the speedometer option but was getting some strange readings. All in MPH.

    Indiicated GPS

    30 30

    38 40

    59 60

    67 70

    93 100

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    It looks like an adjusted speedometer is not an option in the specific file for your ECU.

    You can try using the -21 or -60 files and set US Harness Config to FALSE. Then take advantage of the adjustable speedometer optinon in those files or just get a speedo healer.


    Jason A.

  • Posts: 32Verified User

    Hi Jason,

    It is the 60 unrestricted map I have flashed. Just wondered if using the percentage or the actual and gps option would give better results than the sprocket size option.

  • Posts: 32Verified User

    Could you explain why those extra fuel figures are at the higher revs rather than the top left lower revs to improve on / off throttle response

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    Sorry I forgot we had the -60 in there already. Try to percentage based if the sprocket based seems to be off for you still. This may not be perfect because it is the wrong file for the ECU. We can try a few things though and see what we get.

    You have it in the higher revs 6000+ because you're usually never rolling the gas on in RPM's much lower than that on track.


    Jason A.

  • Posts: 32Verified User

    Thanks again Jason,

    I will experiment with the other two options. With the throttle issue. It seems ok in that range. It's when I'm at low revs such as really slow corners or roundabouts when I notice quite a jerk when rolling on. I do have disable inj decel cut set to true but still notice quitea jerk no matterhow delicateI am rolling on . Not sure if Its me but it seemed to be totally gone after the first flash but more noticeable after 5 or 6 rides after that.

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    If nothing in the ECU flash has been changed from that first time then it shouldn't really feel different. It could just be the fueling is a bit off still for your specific bike. Experiment with those two and feel free to let me know if you find yourself struggling still.


    Jason A.

  • Posts: 32Verified User

    Hi Jason,

    If I'm having that trouble in the really slow corners / hairpins / roundabouts when at really low revs with off to initially on throttle should I add fuel in the top left of that same map. Don't suppose you could send an image like you did with the bottom left image.

    Many thanks.


  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    Try to keep track of where your RPM is at when having these issues then make that same change in your specific RPM range in the MAP vs TPS section.


    Jason A.

  • Posts: 32Verified User

    Hi Jason,

    Great suff. Thank you again.

  • Posts: 32Verified User

    Hello again Jason,

    I was just reading through the R1 posts and came across something. I have the EU 40 ecu and have flashed the Unrestricted 60 map to it as you know to get all the functions. It seems to run ok apart from our earlier disscusions. I saw a couple of your replies to other posts saying the coils and injectors need rewiring if flashing the 60 map to an EU 40 ecu. is this correct and what would I notice with the engine if it wasn't rewired.


  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    Yamaha tends to have different firing orders for their US and EU spec bikes. This means US files in EU bikes won't work without doing a few mods generally.

    Usually you have to remove the Immobilizer from the bike.

    In addition to that the coils and injectors need to be wired to US spec IF there is no "US Harness Config" option in the file. Now the -60 file has that option so all you need to do is make sure "US Harness Config" is set to FALSE. This setting changes the US spec file to match an EU firing order which allows your bike to start and run. Otherwise the bike should not even start on US firing order spec.


    Jason A.

  • Posts: 32Verified User

    Thanks for the very quick reply Jason. Perfect answer. I have that set to false. Good to know what doing that does too.

    I know with this 60 file it disables the immobilizer. What happens if it isn't removed totally.

    Many thanks again.

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    You just want to be sure it's unpinned from the ECU connector so that way we get no false readings and voltages sent in/out of the ECU that could complicate other parts of the working motorcycle. I guess it technically doesn't have to be removed from the actual bike but it makes for a cleaner look without it 😉


    Jason A.

  • Posts: 32Verified User

    I don't suppose you would have any idea what pins on the EU ecu the immobiliser wires are.

    Just out of interest too. Why is the firing order different on the US 4c8 compared to the EU version.

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    It should just be one wire and looks like I only have a US service manual here so I wouldn't be able to tell you without looking at an EU service manual pin out. It's usually like green with yellow trace wire though if I remember correctly.

    I don't remember why Yamaha does that, I would assume emissions or something but not sure. Google may know!


    Jason A.

  • Posts: 32Verified User

    Many thanks again Jason. I'll try to have a better look through the EU service manual wiring diagram.

  • Posts: 32Verified User

    Hello again Jason,

    Following on from our discussion.

    I definitely have inj decel cut disabled.

    I tried adding 10 % more fuel in the map vs rpm tables to try to get rid of this still on / off throttle but it hasn't made any difference. It is really bad no matter how gentle I am rolling on. In hairpins its awful.

    Any other ideas to try.

  • Posts: 32Verified User

    Hello Jason,

    Just wondering if you picked up my last message.

    There is definitely something wierd going on with my 2008 R1.

    Not sure if you remember but when I first flashed it with the 60 file I noticed the difference straight away how smooth the on / off throttle was. It felt amazing. Then after about 5 rides I noticed it was jerky again.

    I know you said without changing anything this shouldn't be possible.

    I thought I'd try something a couple of days ago. I reflashed the stock file back and did a road test. What I found was there was no difference in the jerky throttle between the stock file and the unrestricted 60 file. Also going back to the stock file my bike showed no error codes even though I have removed the AIS system and disconnected the O2 sensor.

    It looks like it has flashed on my laptop when it goes through the process and says flash successful but something is definitely wrong. Disable inj decel cut is true in the 60 file.

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    There's not a ton of changes between the Stock and Unrestricted file on this part number. Looks to mainly be Ignition, ETV (only at wide open), and some ECU settings. That would explain not noticing a huge difference between flashing the two. This one would be more ideal for you to build a custom map yourself.

    Now if nothing changed in the ECU but all of a sudden your On/Off throttle response changed, it's gotta be something with the bike. I would suggest trying to resync the TPS first off before diving into it much more.


    Jason A.

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