2016 R1s License Issue

My ECU is B60-8591A-10 and I have a custom Graves file applied to my ECU. I recently purchased the auto-blip and when I tried to reflash the ECU after enabling the feature it failed and now asks me for a new license. I actually bought an new license and doesn’t work still. The License is 0BD80041. Can you help?
Your license was in attempted state due to an issue during your flash process. I have reset your licenses. Please try flashing without activating the auto-blip first to see if it flashes successfully.
Ok thank you will try it again and let you know ASAP. And wow thanks for jumping on this right away. I might actually be able to ride tomorrow!!
What was the error message that appeared when the flash stopped, and at what point during the flash process did it occur?
it gave me a “write attempt failed” Please retry
What is weird is the map file has a lock image in the window? No other file displays that lock.
It gave that wrote attempt failed after getting through 100% writing and verify ECU image
That is because the Graves files are locked so that you cannot see or make modifications to the fuel maps.
Ok that makes sense so that isn’t the error then.
Now if i try again, it says no registered ECU Found and it asks if it wants to use another license.
Can you post a screencap of the "lock image in the window"?
Yes, because the reset license is basically starting over again. Just click yes.
Ok next chapter..... I clicked write ECU, it goes to uploading ECU image, loading module, checking ECU.... now it asks me if I want to assign License #D01AC0AA to this ECU. I click yes and it says write attempt failed in alert box. In the dialogue box it says :missing feature authorization. Please note auto blip is disabled
You are writing the Graves file WITHOUT activating the Auto-Blip first, correct?
Try again please.
Now It won’t even begin writing. It immediately says Wrote attempt failed. Please try again. And the status says missing feature authorization. Maybe I should ENABLE auto blip?
Try flashing a stock file for your ECU into it first. You have your ECU part number, correct?
Same error with auto blip enabled...
Ok I was able to get the unrestricted R1 map to start writing. I’ll let you know if it finishes!
Flash a stock ECU file into your ECU please, no AB enabled first
I pulled unrestricted by accident. AB is off. If it doesn’t work I’ll grab the stock one and do it again. Thank you!
OK! the unrestricted map worked!
Let me knowing I should try the graves file again. If that doesn’t work maybe the file is messed up
Ok I just tried the Graves file and it now says File Type License Mismatch
It asks if I want to use a different license and now writing. I bet it fails but will let you know.
Ok my friend, something must be wrong with the graves files because I got the write attempt failed/Nablus aeacU image again. What do you suggest I do to fix it?
See the top file that has the disk icon greyed out with a lock emblem. It never looked like that before. It always looked like the highlighted unrestricted map.
PS I also emailed Graves to see if they could send me a new map.
We spoke and dealt with this over the phone this morning right?
Jason A.
Hey Jason!
Yes this issue is still in progress but not an FTECU issue. I’ll expand in case it helps others. I contacted Graves directly as they sent me a R1s map back in 2018 because there are no R1s map there. They explained to me that with all the software updates only the original map (without auto blip) will work. I was able to find the original map on my back up drive and it worked, but I can’t turn on auto-blip. They are going to see if they can recreate the map so I can use it with AB. I will update you once I hear back
Thanks for following up!
Update- Graves sent me a new map. Still can’t turn on AB. I get the following error. Let me k ow your thoughts if you think this is an FTECU thing or something with the map.
Ok try it now all should work fine!
Jason A.