Race team package subscription

in R1
Is the price for the race team package subscription for a r1 2016 a yearly fee as shown on the site?
Also are there any further more detailed explanation of the extras over a normal unrestricted file?
Many thanks
No it's not a yearly fee I know the "Subscription" terminology is a bit confusing. You have the feature for your one ECU anytime you want to use it. The subscription files have changes made from stock files such as:
Standard Unrestricted files have all these strategies the same as stock settings.
Jason A.
Can I use the "Race Team Package Subscription" on the 2018 YZF-R1?
Thanks @Janson A.
Regarding the list do they come with explanations (for example if they change the numbered setting in the Yamaha menu)
Many thanks again
Each file has notes as to what may be changed in them. Here is an example of the notes in one of the files:
TCS1-4 40-10% less than stock mode1
TCS5 stock mode 1
TCS6-9 Between stock mode 1 and 2
LCS mode1 no throttle limit
LCS mode2 = stock mode1
LIF1 Reduced intervention
LIF2 stock mode1
LIF3 stock mode2
PWR2 3 4 less Engine Brake
Standard IGN/Fuel for stock motror and full exhaust
Jason A.
are the race team package maps suitable for a stock engine?
Many thanks
You may want to try and use stock or unrestricted fueling. The files are tuneable so you can adjust whatever you like with them!
Jason A.