Finding new mappings for MT-07, SC Projects and DNA Filter

Hi guys and girls!
Just got my FT kit installed today and loving it.
I run a 2015 MT-07 with an SC Projects (imitation) full system with no db killer and DNA stage everything (🤣) filter.
I looking for a suitable fuel map for this setup and I see there is a post about some or other Graves mapping which would be a nice fit.
Where can I find this mapping? Sorry, I am still new and trying to find my way around...
Also, how does altitude effect these maps?
I am in Johannesburg, South Africa which is just shy of 7000 feet above sea level.
I have only loaded the default unrestricted map to make sure everything works, so just need to sort the fuelling out and I'm all good...
Any help with the above would be great.
2015 MT-07 with SC Projects imitation and full DNA filter system.
The Graves mapping is under Third Party Images in the File Manager in the Tuning Suite software. They most likely don't have a file to match your ECU part number though. If you purchased an exhaust through them they would make you a map no problem, but sounds like you will need to make your own map. Use the Unrestricted and if that doesn't work well then upload a PC Fuel map into the file. If that still doesn't work then you will need to make your own map, purchase one from a dealer, or get the bike dyno tuned.
Jason A.
Thanks Jason, I appreciate the feedback.
Unrestricted map is doing a great job so far, but need something for the fuelling which is what I was hoping to be able to pull from the graves map, but I see they don't have anything for fuelling in there.
Will keep eyes open for a good one or get a full dyno at some stage.
2015 MT-07 with SC Projects imitation and full DNA filter system.
All the Graves maps are locked down so they don't let you see or pull from the hard work they have done creating the file.
Jason A.