PC Fuel Import

in V-MAX
Cant get pc fuel import to work. I keep getting "invalid x-axis data found" error.
Cant get pc fuel import to work. I keep getting "invalid x-axis data found" error.
The PC file is corrupted, that is why the error message is occurring.
I tried 4 different pc maps and 3 different images same thing happens. How do i fix it?
Something happened to where the PC Fuel Import stopped working. I'm not sure how that happened but I have now fixed it for you.
Jason A.
Nothing changed on my end still doing the exact same thing.
You need to restart the software and start with a brand new file from the tuning suite software in order to have the fix.
Jason A.
Still don't work. I had a friend try it on his computer and it don't work for him either. He told me to just copy and paste the pc map and apply it that way. I would rather it work the way its supposed to.
What part number file are you using?
Jason A.
I just tested it again with a 2S3-8591A-00 file and it worked again no problem for me. I started with a stock file and downloaded a PC Fuel map from Dynojets website.
Jason A.
All the us versions unrestricted and stock.
I can't use a generic flash from dynojet. Maybe that's the problem i used auto tune to create a custom map.
Oh and i can't get link maps to work either just get a red circle with a line through it.
You must be doing something wrong or using a wrong PC file because it works 100% fine for me. If I'm unable to recreate your issue there's no way I can help you. Once I'm back in the office next week we can try to setup a time I can remote in to your computer and see what's going on if you'd like.
Jason A.
Yes that would be awesome! Could you just shoot me a email when your available. thank you
I'm back in the office now and will shoot you an email.
Jason A.