Which instruction doc?

in FZ / MT 09
I have a 2018 MT09 and purchased the FT ECU Type 11 Bike Side Kit (GR FT-FTDL11)... which is the correct instruction document set to download? I am not seeing a corresponding set for my model year.
I would rather ask, what might have an obvious answer, than make a mistake from the start.
Use the one for your type harness and bike model. The year designation doesn't matter as they are all actually the same.
Jason A.
Jason, this reply is completely off topic... but might I suggest that the forums be changed so that email addresses aren't used as the poster name. My email address was newly created for this site just a few days ago, its already been scraped and I am receiving spam now at this address. I don't use that email address any where else but here.
At the very least, would it be possible to remove this post so that email address is no longer showing up on a web page?
You can change your forum username in your user profile in "My Account".
Thank you!