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RN22 2009 R1 Flash error 50 or 15 or Err-11 and all troubles allong with it. Posts: 15Verified User

I am having some troubles lately with flashing my bike (on bike harness).

My previous main wire harness was replaced because of corroded connector (blown radiator oxidized the connectors around the radiator).

I flashed once and all was good. After that flash i went in changed some things on the killtimes for the QS but, it's since then that flashing the bike takes ages.

It can take up to 10 minutes to fast flash (1/1) the ECU. It stays for like 5 minutes on the first step, and every other step after that one takes up to 2 minutes.

Maybe 20 minutes to read the flash back from the ECU. Did something change or is something else wrong?

I noticed that when flashing was done, it ended with: "Error 50" on the dash. I found that odd but maybe it's a new type of message because of an update?

All my issues began after i had a problem with the main wire harness and i have been trying to back trace on how i started the first day i replaced the wire harness.

Checked fuses. Replaced battery with a stronger one. Cleaned my airfilter, Checked sparkplugs and wire from and to the coils. Re-calibrated both TPS units. Adjusted manual APE CCT. I have been going insane, Sometimes it's there, sometimes it's not. It seemed to be starting when the bike gets real hot (oil heating up). I measured 3x 6V coming from the wires from the stator but i can't do it when the bike's hot unless i go on track without fairings which i can't do.

So i am getting error 50 after every flash i went back and re-download the stock unlocked map and copied my Throttle, Idle and QS settings over from my regular flash that i use since last year.

Now when i was done flashing, the dash read: "Err-11".

It was then i remembered that, THAT was the regular message i used to have for the last 2 years!

Now most of my bogging issues are gone.

So i have a few question on this:

  1. Is this a part of the Bike side harness failure?
  2. Could the flash i adjusted over the last 2 years become corrupted?
  3. Do i need to ride with pin 27 (QS or red/programming wire) inserted? ( i suspect bad wiring in the Bike side harness).
  4. Can a faulty QS (wire) cause lack of amp/volts for a good spark? (dyno sees stuttering but when WOT it still has the same power, when partial throttle is applied, the bike will steadily fall back 100~150 rpms and start to bug a little and pound the handlebars thru the frame of laggy ignition.


  • Posts: 15Verified User

    So i checked the troubleshooter guide for the 6 pin connector.

    It fails on short-circuiting red/orange and red/yellow (pump jiggles off and on)

    black/orange shows 4.95V (constant). Black/Yellow shows 4.99V constant.

    So it bad ground or is something else totally wrong?

  • Posts: 15Verified User

    I just measured the ground (black cable), it has 1.6Ohms with key off.

    11.4 Ohms with key on.

    Continuity is 015 with key on (no clue what it is but i thought i would mention it)

    The black wire has been soldered to the bikes ground wire because the pin supplies pin/adapter kept sliding off.

    Could that be the problem?

  • Posts: 15Verified User

    So i recrimped my ground wire and now its 4.99V on both wires.

    Shorting Red and orange does not ignite the pimp.

    Shorting red and yellow does trigger the punp 3 clicks and then nothing.

    So i tried to flash and the flash just stopped half way.

    Had to restart laptop. Restarted ftecu and tried to flash the same map. It said no change required.

    Uncoupled program cable and... Ecu is locked (no power cycle and just blinking immobiliser.

    Flash a different. Ecu unlocked. Flash my wanted map and it took for ever but it now is flashed and unlocked again.

    So what i have noticed is that the bike idles much much better but...when i looked at the map that i was al wrong numbers. I tried changing it and closing it but when i reopen the map the old values are there again.

    So now i have 2 problems yellow wire on the ike side harness has resistance or something and i cant alter my maps.

    Can anyone help.

    Can i ask for a replacement harness?

  • Posts: 15Verified User

    I have been reading thru post (not model specific) and i notice that for at least 3 weeks there have been no replies from FTEcu anywhere. Are you all sick or on holiday or...?

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    You say you make changes to your map and then save it but the old values are all still there? Can you send me your file I can attempt the same thing?

    Whats the issue with the yellow wire on your bike side?


    Jason A.

  • kento_ftecukento_ftecu Posts: 714Staff User

    Sorry to hear that. Hope you are OK.

  • Posts: 15Verified User

    I am doing ok again at the moment but, it was a close call.

    Thanks for the support. This thread can be closed.

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