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Bench Harness Troubleshooting (6pin only) Posts: 1,067Staff User
edited August 2023 in Bench Flashing Kits

If you are bench flashing your ECU and are having connection issues there may be a hardware problem. Fortunately, there is a way to test your USB and bench harness. To test any hardware in the Tuning Suite software, click on the "Help" tab then "Test Interface." Select the "Test Inputs" checkbox. Now we will only be looking at the number in parentheses, the colored dots don't matter.

Test 1: When having just the USB and bench harness plugged in with no power and no ECU we want to see 37

Test 2: When having the USB, bench harness, and ECU plugged in we want to see 0, 10, 20, or 30

Test 3: When having the USB, bench harness, ECU, and power supply plugged in we want to see 6, 16, 26, or 36

If the number you are getting do not match these test numbers there is most likely a harness problem. The numbers go like this: 1 is Red/Ground, 2 is Orange, 4 is Yellow, 10 is Green, and 20 is Brown.  

Looking back at the number from your test, the sum of the second digit indicates the bad wires. For example if you are doing Test 3 and are getting 36 the 6 indicates Orange (2) plus Yellow (4).


  • Posts: 7Verified User

    Is there anything that failing all 3 tests might indicate?

    I've tried this test with my 2017 CBR1000RR benchside kit, and I'm wondering if this may be the reason I am having issues flashing my ECU? (I was/am getting a no response error from the ecu when trying to flash it the first time).

    When the test is run, I get (1) for every test result.

    Would this indicate that my harness is damaged in some way (it was purchased new and arrived sealed).

  • kento_ftecukento_ftecu Posts: 714Staff User

    1 is your ground connection. Are you sure that it is securely connected to a clean metal surface?

  • Posts: 7Verified User

    As best I can tell it is. The connection appears snug at the connection between the USB and the bench harness. I don't see anything blocking the surface of either part of the connection at the clip. I've tried different USB ports and even different computers as well.

  • kento_ftecukento_ftecu Posts: 714Staff User

    Did you check all your connections at both sides of the harness? They are all in the correct positions?

  • Posts: 7Verified User

    I believe they are in the correct positions. The harness only clips into the usb 1 way I believe (assuming the clip is lined up correctly), and the connections to the ecu are the correct as far as I can see (grey/grey and blue/blue).

    All of the metal connectors seem to be snug in the plastic housings, but I will recheck the connections with a multimeter later today when I have the harness in hand again.

    I do have some pictures of the harness that I could upload/send though if it helps to confirm that the pins/connectors all appear to be in the right places?

  • Posts: 7Verified User

    Checking the connections again, I can see the following connections with a multimeter at either end of the USB and ECU harnesses:

    USB Harness:

    USB End

    U1 U2 U3 U4

    Harness End

    A B

    C D

    Only position D (harness end) connects to position U1 (usb end). Reading is 0.0. Position D reads 1.0 with positions U2, U3, and U4.

    Positions A, B, and C read 1.0 (no connection)

    ECU Harness:

    USB End

    - 1

    2 3

    ECU End

    Grey Connector

    x x Green x x x x x x x x

    x x x x x x x x x x x

    x x x x x x x x x x x

    Blue Connector

    x x x x x x x x x x Red

    x x x x x x x x x x Red

    x x x x x x x x x x Black

    Power Adapter

    Outer (White)

    Inner (Red)

    Grey Connector:

    Green connects to position 3 (reading is 0.0)

    Blue Connector:

    Red (top) connects to position 1 (reading is 0.0)

    Red (middle) connects to position 1 (reading is 0.0)

    Black connections to position 2 (reading is 0.0)

    Power Adapter:

    Outer (white) connects to position 2 (reading is 0.0)

    Inner (Red) connects to position 1 (reading is 0.0)

    All other combinations read 1.0 (no connection)

  • Posts: 7Verified User

    Sorry if I'm missing something obvious, but would this mean that the ecu side cable of the kit is alright, but that the usb cable side is damaged somehow between the usb plug and the clip connecting to the ecu side cable? If so, is there anything that could be done to repair the cable, or would it have to be replaced?

  • Posts: 7Verified User

    I got the problem with 6 pin interface, it always inform Error, No response. While the ECU connection is good condition. Maybe Interface died?

  • Posts: 7Verified User

    test 1: show show 6,16, 36

    test 2: 30

    test 3: 16, 36

    But it can not flash any ecu, No response error

  • fishfish Posts: 1Verified User

    In case It may help someone: Today I had failures to connect and Scott @ ft ecu told me I must have a failure of the nearly new laptop to read to/from it's USB ports. These USB ports had worked for everything else plugged into them.

    I checked the Universal Serial Bus Controllers in Windows' Device Manager and saw something I had never seen before. At the bottom of the tree was an entry called USB Serial Converter. I double clicked it and it said the connection failed - I unplugged the USB harness to be sure whether the harness was the entry called USB Serial Converter and this entry disappeared. So I tried to update the driver and that didn't work but I got a dialog asking if I wanted to use Windows Update and I agreed. I found there was a BIOS update needing installed.

    I don't know if the BIOS update was the magic bullet or whether it was just getting Windows to reconsider the devices that were plugged in; but something caused the proper driver to (re)install and things worked. I could connect and flash the ECU.

    If your computer shows USB Serial Converter is not installed correctly or such, you might be able to Uninstall (in right context menu) the USB Serial Converter entry and then restart your computer (leaving the harness plugged in the whole time) and let Windows sense it and install the proper driver. I didn't try that, but it might work.

  • liburst76liburst76 Posts: 7Verified User

    hello. I attached it to YZF-R7. I am in trouble because I cannot write to the ECU. I tried to test the harness. Test 1 → 37. Test 2 → 0. Test 3 → 26. What does this code mean? thank you.

  • Posts: 191Staff User
    edited June 2022


    What do you mean by attached it to a R7?


  • Posts: 5Verified User

    all i get when trying to test is...

  • Posts: 2Verified User

    hi, I'm having simular problem. When i try to flash ecu of 08 R1 STATUS: NO RESPONSE keeps coming up and the licence show a hardfail

    test1 and test2 match the numbers above but test3 had the number 5 result is this a bad connection??

  • Posts: 178Staff User

    You are having a hardware issue. Call or email and we can walk you through testing your hardware.

  • Posts: 102Staff User

    I changed the title of the original post to add 6-pin only because I see there is some confusion with people trying to use this procedure with 4 pin cables. The method for testing 4 pin cables is not easy and trying to explain here would just muddy the water worse. If you suspect you have a bad 4 pin cable email us.

  • Hi,

    i have the message : Write attempt failed, please retry

    I make the test and i have these results :

    test 1 : 36, normally i need to have 37 ?

    test 2 : 0

    test 3 : 36

    Issue with the data link usb cable ?


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