2017 GSXR 1000R Miles to empty?

in GSXR 1000
On the dash of the 17 GSXR 1000R there is miles to empty. Was working when we flashed it. did some adjustment to ignition and pulled off dyno. Now its not reading. Any help to what may have changed? thanks.
Never heard of that being a problem before, however being that our flashes are all for closed course competition only riders would usually never look at that.
Make sure you are flashing your ECU with a matching part number file.
Jason A.
Used the correct file. Just never seen this issue. have flashed about 6 of these bikes and this is the first one to do this. Is there a chance during the writing process that it just had a brain fart? thanks.
Anything is possible, have you tried flashing back to a stock file to see if that changes anything?
Jason A.