
in R1
impossible to activate autobliper / quickshifter problem with the code? I do not know what to do
impossible to activate autobliper / quickshifter problem with the code? I do not know what to do
one ecu two codes
impossible to link autobliper key
I need a new bliper code for 672F35AB
You do not answer my complaint this is frustrating
We need more information on your situation. Please go through the process of what you were doing.
Did you go to your account at and enter your activation codes?
What is the serial number of the scratchoff code?
You have an autoblip attached to another R1 license.
Buy another license
I lost $ 100
That is the auto-blip that is already attached to a license.
The license that auto-blip is assigned to is in an attempted state, meaning that there was a problem during the flash that caused it to crash. You should have seen an error message during that flash that informed you there was a problem. If you had contacted us first, we would've been able to reset the license.
Ecu locked
He asks me to buy a license!
I do not understand
view attachments
bike locked
Cannot open rar attachments. Please convert to another format.
You don't help, just complicate, I have a motorcycle locked
300 lost so far
Can you attach a photo from your phone of the screen displaying the error?
I need to restore my license
does not recognize ecu
Please check your hardware. What type of flash kit are you using? Both of your licenses were in "attempted" state, which puts them in a frozen state until we can reset them. They have both been reset.
What type of flash kit are you using? Bench or bike-side flash kit?
If you are using a bike-side kit (attaches directly to motorcycle), conduct this hardware test: With the ignition key off, unplug the harness connector from the USB Data Link (or remove the weather cap). Use a small wire or paper clip, and jumper (connect) the leads for the Red and Orange wires. Turn the ignition key on; if you hear the fuel pump priming, then you have a problem with either the Red or Orange wire leads. If you don't hear anything, then turn the ignition key off, and jumper the Red and Yellow wire leads. Turn the ignition key on; if you hear the fuel pump priming, then you have a problem with the Yellow wire. If you don't hear anything, then get a multimeter tester, and with the power on, connect the leads to the Black and Orange wire. You should see 5V. Then connect the Black and Yellow wire leads; same thing, you should see 5V. If you see anything less, or inconsistent readings, then you have a problem with your ground wire (black).
When there is an internet connection or hardware problem during the flash, it interrupts the flash and causes the license to go into a crashed state (attempted).
Bench harness new fault does not accept bliper
You have a hardware problem somewhere in your harness. Use a continuity tester and check all the leads.
You were able to successfully flash one license. Did you enable the auto-blipper module in the file that you flashed?