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Gsxr1000 2018 with full exhaust wanted to use unrestricted but it seems fuel maps untouched.

RoninRonin Posts: 9Verified User
edited March 2021 in GSXR 1000

Hello, I'm new to tuning and I'm learning on the fly as I took a good look into the restricted vs unrestricted files I noticed the differences were only in Ignition, ETV and ECU settings as in fans, o2 sensor, exhaust valves etc.... but I haven't noticed any difference in Fuel maps so excuse my lack of knowledge but from my understanding that decating the bike or adding a full exhaust will make the bike very lean and to make it more rich or balanced you need to touch the fuel maps tps for that, so why the unrestricted maps all of them for gsxr1000 2017+ the fuel maps untouched as the restricted (stock)? thought unrestricted maps are balanced in A/F and ready to go for almost all aftermarket headers, I hope to learn from you guys more and thank you in advance.



  • SMFreakSMFreak Posts: 18Verified User

    You got it correctly.

    You can import some PC or Bazzaz fuel map over unrestricted and thus alter fueling.

  • RoninRonin Posts: 9Verified User
    edited March 2021

    @SMFreak thank you I get it now but any reasons why fuel maps left stock on unrestricted maps for gsxr1000 2017+ as I noticed fuel maps all changed on (cbr1000 2017) unrestricted as example, I mean is it because the gsxr runs a bit rich out of factory and it wasn't needed or was it left stock for people to edit it on dyno?

    for what I understand the unrestricted maps are ready to use for a bike with full exhaust the A/F ratio will be fair on them, so with the Suzuki its confuses me a bit as fuel maps left untouch.

  • SMFreakSMFreak Posts: 18Verified User
    edited March 2021

    If you are asking me I see it as 2 different things. Having possibility to remove all these restrictions is one thing and another one is fuelling.

    Fuelling also depends on system you are using.

    It is truth that also for my EU model 2020 not sure about A/F ratio using unrestricted map with full Akra system but I have prepared couple of unrestricted maps with imported PC and Bazzaz maps (TPS vs RPM can be altered). Sooner or later I will upload them to ECU and try.

    For GSXR if you have seen there is 3rd party Graves Motorsport full system map where fuelling is tuned, it is for US ECU.

    If you want tuned map for your bike using FTECU will be fine to find ie PC tuner so he can connect temporarily PC5 to byke and tune it.

    Once tuned tuner remove PC5 and can give you pvm file to import to your FTECU unrestricted map.

    I was thinking about that for my bike also.

    On PC site you can take these tunes for import to unrestricted:

    • 20-050-002
    • Yoshimura Alpha T full system Stock or aftermarket air filter
    • 20-050-003
    • Arrow full comp exhaust Stock or aftermarket air filter
    • M20-050-001
    • Stock exhaust, Stock air filter

    Maybe somebody from FTECU support can tell us if they know it where we are with AF ratio using just unrestricted map with stock fuelling on byke with full system and more flow air filter as example. If we are lean there is a risk of damaging engine.

  • kento_ftecukento_ftecu Posts: 776Staff User

    Fueling between stock and unrestricted is not the same, secondary injector percentages are all different.

  • SMFreakSMFreak Posts: 18Verified User

    Is this difference you are referring to, starting from 13400rpm for secondary injector?

  • RoninRonin Posts: 9Verified User
    • @SMFreak yes I was thinking the same as you as I downloaded:
    • 20-050-002
    • Yoshimura Alpha T full system Stock or aftermarket air filter
    • 20-050-003
    • Arrow full comp exhaust Stock or aftermarket air filter
    • M20-050-001
    • Stock exhaust, Stock air filter

    I kept them on my desktop couple weeks ago just in case or as a reference.

    @kento_ftecu I noticed the change with secondary injectors so from my understanding this is your method to rich the bike? if so then why it starts from 13400rpm where people don't cruise at that speed/rpm?

  • SMFreakSMFreak Posts: 18Verified User

    Most important is after exhaust and air intake mods (full exhaust with O2 and EXCVA removed) and air filter with higher CFM not to be lean with unrestricted map in order to save engine. Better to be on rich side than on lean.

    However best approach is AFR tune...

  • RoninRonin Posts: 9Verified User
    edited March 2021

    @SMFreak yes, so not sure why they edited ignition timing, secondary injector,engine braking and ignored fuel maps.

    As you see here brocks don't like to touch ignition unless the bike uses nitro or turbo like heavily edited, what ill do is use unrestricted map but set ignition timing back to stock, leave secondary injectors and engine braking as modified by FTecu (want to try that) then upload a fuel map from PC5 and call it a day.

  • SMFreakSMFreak Posts: 18Verified User

    Let's try to hear from support


    Could you please update us how unrestricted map was born, after some tune on Dyno or it is just restrictions removal over stock map?

    As mentioned in other thread this map is for full system, if fuelling keeps as stock does it have any negative impact on engine (ie being lean) and how to be sure with this map we have max performance from byke?

    Do you recommend fuel tune over unrestricted and what approach do you suggest as tuners usually cannot tune ECU directly but rather some 3rd party device like PC, Bazzaz etc.


  • Posts: 1,067Staff User

    Hi guys,

    All of our Unrestricted files are either built off a bike we have on our dyno here or by an offsite developer of ours at their shop. We do this so that we verify we offer a good file to the public.

    We found that here the stock fueling worked the best as a generic file to work with different exhaust brands. Now just because the stock fueling works fine for us here doesn't mean it will work great in your region. We are based in Orange, CA which we are right about at sea level with little to no humidity. The climate in your region may be totally different than ours.

    The only way you could ever get max performance out of your bike is with a dyno tune in the region you ride the bike at, or with an ActiveTune unit for the fueling. We do not offer an ActiveTune kit for this bike currently though. There are so many minor difference on all engines and modification setups that there is not a "one size fits all" file for max performance. Sure you can use our file and your bike will perform drastically better than stock because of the removed speed and gear based restrictions, but max performance always needs to be from a dyno tune.

    Uploading a PC5 file is usually the best way to get you started on a base fuel map for your bike. However, keep in mind a fueling map built around a stock ECU will generally do you no good. It is best to upload a PC5 fuel map based off an ECU that was already flashed. In our situation this bike seemed to like stock fueling for a good all purpose base map. Just keep in mind it might not be the same for your situation as well.


    Jason A.

  • SMFreakSMFreak Posts: 18Verified User

    Ok it is said that unrestricted map is made for full exhaust system setup with O2 removed or at least disabled.

    This means that your byke on Dyno or 3rd party developer had this setup and using unrestricted map with stock fueling showed proper fueling in terms of AFR and good starting point. There is no concern with stock fueling and these changes to be lean and damage the engine? Did I get it correctly?

    For PC5 import what you said in last paragraph above your advise is to import PC5 over already flashed ECU with unrestricted map and not over stock map?

    From my perspective it goes without saying.

    Please confirm.

    Sure best option is local tuner on Dyno with temporary installed PC5 unit just to generate proper map which will be given as file to import into unrestricted over FlashTune software.

    Thats how I understand the things.

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    That is correct.

    That is also correct.

    You can put the PC fuel map in a stock or Unrestricted file. The only point I was making is about how the PC fueling files are made. They aren't always made with a flashed ECU so there may be some minor differences between a fuel map on a stock ECU and a fuel map on an Unrestricted ECU.


    Jason A.

  • SMFreakSMFreak Posts: 18Verified User

    Thank you Jason. Good to know it is not that bad to run stock fueling with unrestricted map which usually goes with full exhaust, another air filter etc until we find best way to tune also fuel map on specific bike.

  • RoninRonin Posts: 9Verified User

    I got so busy in life, I just flashed my bike and everything working good, Thank you Jason, Kento and SMfreak and I hope you are all doing well

    will install full system tomorrow

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    Glad it's working well, bike looks good! Enjoy!


    Jason A.

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