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stp on-throttle files Posts: 35Verified User

Hi guys, hope all is well.

Am i right in thinking the kawasaki zx636 stp on throttle files are showing rpm vs voltage axis. as opposed to rpm v tps. The tables run from 25 upto 65. Im thinking by the look of the file that 65 is 0% tps and 25 is 100% tps.

the file is 21175-0811.

Thank you for your advise in advance.




  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    What you're seeing there should still be your APS values of 25-65. Now anything under 25 takes the same value as your 25 column. This works the same as anything over 65 takes the same value in your 65 column. This works the same for your RPM axis. The resolution is just a lot smaller on this map which is why it doesn't go 0-100. It does look rather deceiving at first but remember it comes restricted from the factory so you can see where it rolls off the STP in higher throttle positions till about 9000RPM and beyond.


    Jason A.

  • Posts: 35Verified User

    Thank you Jason.

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