Error un-authorized ECU... contact support
in ZX 10
Today I tried to flash an ecu I had flashed back in September to trim the fueling a little and add auto blip.
Modified the fueling and flashed... OK.
Then tested the auto-blip, was not working, removed the ecu and checked again that auto-blip was enabled .. and tried to write the ecu again.. I am using a bench harness 4 pin type 5, when trying to write the file I got and Error Un-authorized ecu license and would I like to apply a new licence. I have attached screen shots and the file
Are you still having issues with this problem?
Jason A.
Hi, Still having the same errors
Mike from Velox was working with someone from FT on Wednesday to try reset the licenses for this ecu, Around 2am (GMT +2) he sent me a message "Need to restart tuning suite mate to try that licence again" I have done that but no luck. licence information below;
ECU License Number: 8FD7A20E
plus 9201FD8C 2016 ZX10 Auto-Blipper Kit
Selected yes on license overwrite and was able to re-apply the reset license successfully. will test the ecu on the bike shortly
All working great , the owner of the bike is very happy. Thanks to all who assisted.