2015雅马哈R1M Activetune问题“等待lambda控制器”
我已经成功运行Active Tune两年了,大约有2000英里。今年春天,它在前3次骑行中都起作用,但是现在我看到,在自行车空转时,在“设备/查看数据”屏幕上看到的宽带“卡住”了10.2。我检查并重新检查了所有连接,拆下了氧气传感器,并进行了氮气和丁烷测试-没什么区别-10.2的读数没有变化。因此,我认为O2传感器必须是烤面包的,并为$131.99.购买了一个新的传感器。我还注意到O2传感器没有预热。考虑到从传感器出来的电线数量,我认为它带有加热器。希望这很简单,但我需要一些帮助。我找不到可以在哪里打开帮助票的地方。期待一些帮助。提前致谢。
2015 Yamaha R1M with full Graves exhaust, Attack Performance rearsets and FTECU unrestricted flash with Active Tune. But what makes it really fast is the tank cover autographed by Rossi and Lorenzo and the tailpiece by Vinales!
2015 Yamaha R1M with full Graves exhaust, Attack Performance rearsets and FTECU unrestricted flash with Active Tune. But what makes it really fast is the tank cover autographed by Rossi and Lorenzo and the tailpiece by Vinales!