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Engine Braking R1 >2015 Posts: 5Verified User


can you tell me how it is possible to change the engine brake setting?


  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    The easy way to adjust your engine braking is in your ETV Decel Comp folder. You will find different maps for each power mode. The map number used is dependent off your Gear-Map# Index. The Gear-Map# Index also controls the map selected for your ETV Basemaps so keep that in mind when making changes. The higer the number the less engine braking, the lower the number the more engine braking.

    If you don't find enough range of adjustment in the Decel Comp you can also adjust your engine braking in the ETV basemaps section.

    In your ETV Basemaps section you have folders for all four of your power modes, under each folder you have 14 maps. These maps can be used per gear once changed in the Gear-Map# Index.

    These values control your throttle by wire in relation to RPM and APS. Engine braking is controlled by closing the TPS at differet times than the APS. In theory one to one throttle will be the most engine braking you can get and I wouldn't suggest any values less than what one to one throttle in that section would be. For example in APS column 4 and RPM row 10,000 lets say our table is one to one throttle meaning the value would be 4. Any number above 4 opens the TPS more than your APS meaning less engine braking since it would be closing the throttle valve slightly slower than you would be closing the throttle. Now you need to be careful when doing this because the basemaps can affect your on throttle performance as well.

    This excel table is the exact same as your ETV Basemaps table. This is showing one to one throttle but you can see values that climb in the lower right section mainly. This is for engine braking control without trying to affect your on throttle performance. For example there aren't many times you are on the throttle 4% at 12,000 RPM so adjusting this range will only affect the off throttle (engine braking). Generally when you are racing you close the throttle quickly so scaling the values like pictured is recommended but once completely off throttle you need to adjust the very first APS column.

    There are certain limitations put in place in this section due to safety concerns. If we had no restrictions and someone set their throttle to 100 all the time it could get ugly. Our Race Team files have no restrictions, but for the general user restrictions have to be put in place. However, the restrictions we set should give you enough range of adjustment.


    Jason A.

  • Posts: 4Verified User

    Hope everyone's well at these crazy times.

    Can you please specify the range for the values in the ETV Decel Comp map?

    With the default value being 0, I guess these aren't multipliers but adders (to the values in the Base map). Correct?

    I want to make sure I use the Decel map correctly, before messing around with Base maps.


    Ronen B

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    You should be able to enter positive numbers for less engine braking and negative numbers for more engine braking.


    Jason A.

  • Posts: 4Verified User

    Thanks Jason. Understood.

    Still, I'm uncertain about the range of acceptable values. Specifically, as a starting point to experiment with substantially less engine braking, should I enter 5? 10? other value?

    Apologies for the ignorance.


  • Posts: 4Verified User

    Also, it seems as if my Decel maps only accept negative values. Attempts to enter positive values are nulled. negative values seem to be saved okay.

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    What part number file are you using? I'm not having that issue on my end. I usually suggest increments of 10.


    Jason A.

  • Posts: 4Verified User


    Thanks for the follow up. I'm using BX4-8591A-10- (US). The specific file I'm using supports the Graves EVR exhaust, but I also tried editing the basic unrestricted file and got the same result. Negative values can be saved while positive ones are zeroed out.

    If this is a specific issue and we should rather connect off the forum, please let me know.

    Thanks again.


  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    I see what you're talking about now. I was trying in a 2CR file not the BX4. That Decel Comp is specific to the BX4's on those you want to use the basemaps to help adjust your engine braking. My response at the top should help you through the steps of adjusting there. If you have further questions please let me know though.


    Jason A.

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