Save current mapping

in R1
Hi i would like to save my current mapping, because it is an edited unrestricted map. How to do this‽ regards Chris
Hi i would like to save my current mapping, because it is an edited unrestricted map. How to do this‽ regards Chris
Open the Tuning Suite, plug in your USB Data Link cable, click on Device>Read ECU, then when the file is finished downloading and is displayed, click on File>Save As to save the file.
Hi I tried it as you described, but I can not push the button ECU read. see the screenshot.
I am connected with the cable and ignition is on. am I doing anything wrong? best Chris
You have to have a similar file open to the ECU you are trying to read out before you ca select that button. If this ECU has not been flashed then you will be unable to read it, until you flash it.
Jason A.
Hi jason many thanks, it worked. Kind regards chris
Glad we could help!