2019 YXZ's Have Two Fans

in YXZ 1000R
Do you plan on adding fuel maps for the 2019 YXZ with two radiator fans? Your current maps are for the 2016-2108 YXZ with only one radiator fan. I flashed my 2019 with the Graves slip on fuel map and noticed an immediate improvement in performance. However, only one fan came on and my motor overheated.
We have files for the 2019 YXZ1000R in our database. The files in the database from Graves with the slip-on file are for a 2017 model. You should not use those because the ECU part numbers are totally different. Please flash a proper 2019 file into your ECU and both fans should work.
The 2019 files are stock (which I started with) and unrestricted (which I have no clue what to do with). I am looking for a slip-on tune for a 2019 SS. Is one in the works?
Checking into this, will let you know.
You should try the unrestricted file just to see how it works.