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signal cut from the ecu to the fuel pump relay caused by a broken wire on ignition switch Posts: 42Staff User

Customer reached out that they had a 2023 400 that was flashed with FTECU software and shortly after had an issue that the unit was cutting the signal from the ECU to the fuel pump relay; Leading them to think there was an issue within the ecu.

"It started after it was flashed when we built the bike from new. first race weekend it had a no fuel pump activation, we cycled power and it worked for two race weekends no problem.Then occurred one more time on the third track weekend and again, cycled power and worked ok. 

Final time was last weekend and now it's consistently not working. It will work 1 out of 20 times if I cycle the power but then stop again."

The SOLUTION was to check for broken wires on the ignition switch, specifically between the ignition switch and the start/kill switch housing.

After the customer disassembled the connector that goes to the jet prime connector, they found the resistor on the wire was detached causing the no fuel pump activation.

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