MT07 35kw to 55kw flash proroblems

I just installed the bike side harness and flashed the bike with the unrestricted map. When i started i downloaded the map that was on the bike from the start and it was japanese even though my ECU is EU (B34-8591A-10). And when i flashed the ECU it feels the same as before and i cant go above 7-8000 rpm in 5th and 6th gear just like before. BUT the fan temps changed like i wanted. Does anyone know what i should do? Also the first time i tried to flash the ecu it got stuck on verifying files for 2 hours so i tried to flash it again and then it worked to some extent. The bike still pops just as much as before so i am thinking the only thing that changed was the fan temps.
Also does anyone have any maps for this setup;
Snorkle removed
Akrapovic full exhaust carbon
K&N Air filter
2019 MT-07 35kw EU (B34-8591A-10)
Thanks for the post.
A common miss-perception about our software is that it automatically adjust for aftermarket parts. While this is true for our Auto-tuner kits this does not apply to the base software flash. Our unrestricted files offer a great starting point for improved performance but require adjustments for individual bike setups.
My suggestion is to either have a shop dyno-tune the bike for you or you can search for an available downloadable tune for your specific setup. Some shops will offer custom tunes for sale if the setup is common enough. Or you can even ship your ECU to shops around the country that offer flashes.
Hope this helps.
Rubber side down always.
Yeah but its not the aftermarket parts im concerned about. It just doesnt give me more power like the map should. I have 35kw now and i want the stock 55kw but i dont get any more power