No available license, no recovery option presented.

I'm looking for assistance regarding an issue I encountered while attempting to flash my ECU. During the process, my laptop unexpectedly shut off, disrupting the writing procedure. Since then, I've been unable to resume the flash as the system is now prompting me to purchase a new license without offering any option for license recovery.
Despite reaching out to FTECU twice via phone and twice via email, I haven't received any response or guidance. This lack of communication is deeply concerning for a product I've spent $800 on.
I've tried troubleshooting steps like power cycling my PC and bike ignition to no avail. Checking my license history on the website only shows "flash init".
Since the FTECU seemingly writes raw blocks to flash memory or EEPROM, rewriting the flash should be a trivial task, but it seems i'm inhibited by the licensing protection model (DRM), possibly verifying a checksum online? It's also my understanding that this licensing model hasn't always been this way. It's disheartening to see so many others in this forum with these same issues, which I would consider a regression in user-friendliness, especially when it directly impacts the usability of the product and the overall customer experience.
Any support and insights would be greatly appreciated.
It's been two weeks since I first contacted FTECU with this issue, this is very disappointing. Furthermore, it seems both Todd and Jason, who previously did license resets no longer work at the company.
I've sent e-mails to the owner, sales email, called numerous times.
I really hate to raise a stink about this, but if you sell a software solution, there needs to be support for it..
I'm currently exploring other options to get this resolved that doesn't include giving FTECU another $100 (which is what was told to me as a solution.)
I don't know if you guys are hurting for money or don't believe that I'm really only flashing a single ECU, but this is not how customers should be treated regardless.