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ecu write attempt failed and no response. Posts: 2Verified User

hello Everyone,

I'm having an issue with my 2015 Yamaha r1, I attempted to flash the bike with the graves map after it was all done the bike wouldn't run so i attempted to flash the original image back on to the ecu, now i get a window that says no response when I try to flash the ecu, also when i look at my licenses shows the year as 2018 my bike and ecu are clearly a 2015(2CR-8591A-20 ecu part #) i ran test with the bike off the output shows 37, with the bike powered on i get 16 on the output test i also checking the power at side the harness coming of the bike i get of the yellow and orange 5v, and with the red to ground i get nothing but if i go straight to the negative post i get some how -13v, any help will be greatly appreciated.


Juan R


  • Posts: 177Staff User


    There is not suppose to be any voltage from the red and black. If you put 12 volts to it you can damage the ECU. Is this the first time flashing the bike? Are you using a bike side harness?

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