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Active tune settings Posts: 49Verified User
edited October 2022 in R1


So I’m trying to get the activetune setup on my 2017 R1 to react more slowly. It seems like once I’ve got a decent basemap, if I leave the activetune enabled it tries to make adjustments too quickly/constantly. This seems to create a little inconsistency in how the bike reacts on/off the throttle, I’m guessing by changing the fuelling instantly and constantly.

Im looking at the activation limits(ms) and trying to figure out what to change and to what value, to slow down the refresh rate/speed at which the system makes adjustments. Or would the compounding rate be the table to look at?

I like to leave it enabled as I can feel the difference in how the bike rides as the weather changes, but I’d like the activetune to make the changes gradually, to try and gain some consistency in the way the bike runs, which values etc. should I be looking at?

Thanks in advance.


  • Posts: 25Verified User

    My understanding, from what I was told of FT ECU support via phone, is that you ride the way you would ride for awhile, then without turning your bike off, you connect the computer and USB plug to the ECU. Open Tuning Suite and click DEVICE then ACTIVE TUNE. When ActiveTune window opens click READ. If you see a bunch of changes (By defualt ActiveTune will make changes from -10 to +20, the changes are shown in number and color) then click SAVE to save the changes permanently to ECU. A high value change will be a higher number and the color red square on the graph, a low number value change will be shown as a negative number and green square on the graph. This means that ActiveTune does not save changes and will start from what ever the last changes saved were. After doing this a couple of times (of riding and reading changes and saving if there are many changes). By saving the first few ActiveTune changes to the ECU, you make it so that the next ride the ECU is making less changes. At this point you will go into the ActiveTune settings and change 5 screens so that changes are only from -5 to +5 instead of -10 to +20. And I believe that is what you are wanting in terms of "I’d like the activetune to make the changes gradually". If you can not find it, I will look through mine and post a picture of where those five screens are.

  • Posts: 178Staff User

    If you would like to send me your map I will take a look at your settings. The Active tune should always be looking to improve the fueling. Also, how old is your O2 sensor?

  • Posts: 7Verified User

    there is a way that some one can help me so i can activate the active auto tune?

  • Posts: 102Staff User

    Not all bikes have Active tune feature. What bike do you have?

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