Idle rpm adjustment

in FZ / MT 09
I recently removed the Bazzaz Z-Fi, installed a new akra exhaust, and flashed the unrestricted map which doubled my idle rpms. It was idling around 1k before, but now 3k and would like to lower it. Can someone explain the ETC vs RPM idle speed map? The stock vs unrestricted look exactly the same so I'm wondering if it's maybe the increased airflow that's causing it to idle higher?
The ECT vs RPM idle speed map controls the bike's idle speed based on the engine coolant temperature. Generally, the bike will idle higher at initial startup (cold), then drop to a certain point as the coolant temp rises.
It's possible that your idle speed has increased because of the Akrapovic exhaust, especially if it's a full system (not slip-on).
so which is number 13 in this map? 13 is 1,300rpm or??
The values in the map are based upon ignition timing numbers. 13 is the base number, so higher numbers will increase the idle and lower numbers will decrease the idle rpm. You will have to play with it to see how number changes affect the idle rpm speed.
thank, I got it. It is ign timing advance degree