Quick shifter/auto blip 2019 R6
I purchased last year a quick shift auto blip, it has worked fine until today. The quick shifting for going up a gear is now not working, but shifting down for auto blipping continues to work, please help. 2019 R6 I have checked wires
I have checked the wires and the pin to the harness, everything is fine and as it should be.
Have you performed a continuity test across the sensor on the QS side?
Please contact me directly with results if possible.
have the same issue. Have you fixed this?
yes, i had to purchase a new quick shifter and auto blip
The sensor have a 2 year warranty. If you are having a problem you should test the sensor for continuity at both plugs. To check for continuity you would insert 2 pieces of safety wire in one of the plugs and connect a multimeter to them set on continuity and move the shifter in that direction of the sensor. Then repeat on the other plug for the opposite direction. If there is no continuity for either direction you should send it in for us to test and replace if found bad.
Mike Pond