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2008 Yamaha R6 QS shifting stuck Posts: 1Verified User

Hey there,

Have had the QS on my bike since the beginning of the Summer and have been struggling with a shift malfunction when I have it activated. When I go to shift up, the shifter is locked and solid and won't let me shift up when not letting off the throttle, but when I go to clutchless shift it works flawlessly (same with conventional shifting). In addition to this My kill time is a little too long as I feel the bike slowing down significantly during shifts, are you able to provide me with new kill time values for the table for a 13s 08 R6?


  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    I don't understand exactly what you're saying here.

    Shifting up not letting off the throttle and your clutchless shifts are two different things? What is your conventional shifting?


    Jason A.

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