Windows 11 support
in Bug Reports
the tuning suite installs but does not load (hangs when loading). Is windows 11 supported/tested, or working for anyone?
Make sure your usb data device is plugged on your pc
Copy that - will do and report back. Thank you!
Hi, I can't see any attachments in referenced post. I do have a Windows 11 compatibility problem as well. The driver is violating the memory integrity settings. I do have a German OS, but I attached the link to the Windows help center that describes the problem: Core isolation ( .
I have installed software version and driver version 2.12.16. Both installed freshly today to ensure I'm not running with outdated versions. Do you already have new drivers; or by when do you plan to release them? I'm asking, as I'm not in a rush and would prefer waiting before relaxing the Windows security settings.
Here's how to relax the Windows security settings during the usage of FTECU software. Select Start and type "Core isolation". In there select "Memory integrity". Switch the toggle button to off. Some may face and issues with the toggle button as it is greyed out. And there is a text saying it is controlled by the "administrator". The most simple way to overcome this is switching the setting off in the registry. Select Start and type "RegEdit". Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\DeviceGuard\Scenarios\HypervisorEnforcedCodeIntegrity Values are 0 = off, 1=on You need to reboot your computer before the setting gets active! Either way, don't forget to switch back the security once you've finished the flashing.