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Race Team Package ECU Channels Posts: 4Verified User

Hi, I have been using the race team package on my 2015 R1 along with an AiM MXS dash for a while now. I have set the ECU flash image to output the extra data and am using the xc1 file supplied with the race team package. I have noticed a couple channels don't work or have seemingly erroneous values (Intake air temp is always 30C, DIag warning is always 0 even when purposely generating errors, some of the wheel speed changes have very large numbers at all times.)

Has the xc1 file been updated at any point? Where can I access the latest version? Are there notes with descriptions for each channel you could send me?


  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    There should not be an issue with the channels. Are you running an MXS 1.1 or 1.2?


    Jason A.

  • Posts: 4Verified User

    Jason, I was running the MXS 1.1 until I destroyed it this year and now have a MXS 1.2. I have the same issues with both. I am running a custom ECU image based off the RT COTA base map.

    I see in the RT base map notes that the 2016 Road Atlanta base map activated the TCS ignition response PIDs. Do all the RT base maps output the same channels?

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    Please email me or send me via we transfer a data file from your bike. Send me your dash config as well please.

    All files output the same channels. Are you on a race team pro setup or the subscription?


    Jason A.

  • Posts: 4Verified User

    Jason, I sent you an email. I forgot to mention that I am using the subscription RT license.

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