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Quickshifter cutting times Posts: 10Verified User
edited May 2021 in R1

Hello, can somebody explain me the kill table, the cutting times are shorter at low RPM and always 90ms at high RPM. Has it not to be the opposite? yamaha rn19 unrestricted, generic greets


  • Posts: 10Verified User

    Thanks for helping, good Support 👍

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    Thanks for your patience, good job waiting!👍️

    Your values here are not in milliseconds, the value is actually the amount of time a certain code is executed. At a higher RPM the code is executed faster which is why you see a larger number.

    If you wish to manually adjust it you really need to focus on each RPM range carefully.


    Jason A.

  • Posts: 10Verified User

    Hello, Jason thanks for your Answer Cutting Time seems to be very short. So what's to do if I want more cutting time? Why I can't upload images?

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    I don't know why you why you can't upload images to here, I can just fine. Maybe your file size is too large perhaps?

    Try increasing your number for a longer cut time. The higher RPM you are the larger number you need to match a smaller value at lower RPM's.

    For example a value of 40 at 5000rpm may be fairly close in cut time to a value of 90 at 14000rpm.

    You'll need to play around with it for a bit to get it close to your liking I'm sure.


    Jason A.

  • Posts: 10Verified User
    edited May 2021

    Hello, Jason I can nothing upload no Link no Image. Request Falied Status 403 or 500 Image Greetings Michael

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    No it was never milliseconds that was incorrect information in the earlier forum post. The information I've given you in this post is correct.


    Jason A.

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